% This use of ' is for transpose:
mat2x2 = [1 2; 3 4]';  % transpose of a matrix
cell2x2 = {1 2; 3 4}'; % transpose of a cell
v=mat2x2';             % transpose of a variable
v2 = (v')';            % two transpose operations
foo = 1.';             % transpose of scalar 1.

% Nonconjugate transpose uses .'
mat2x2 = [1 2; 3 4].';  % of a matrix
cell2x2 = {1 2; 3 4}.'; % of a cell
v=mat2x2.';             % of a variable
v2 = (v.').';           % two operations
foo = 1..';             % of scalar 1.
bar = v.''.'.'';        % mix of transpose operations

% single quote strings:
sq1 = 'a single quote string';
sq2 = ...
' abcd ';         % single quote string starting at column 1
sq3 = ['a','bc']; % array of single quote strings
sq4 = {'a','bc'}; % cell of single quote strings

% double quote strings
dq1 = "a double string";
dq2 = ...
" abcd ";         % double quote string starting at column 1
dq3 = ["a","bc"]; % array of double quote strings

% Mixture of strings and transpose
c2 = {'a','bc'}'; % transpose of a cell of strings
s = ['a','bc']';  % you can transpose vectors of strings (they are really 'char' arrays)
s = s';           % and transpose back
% (s')' is a double transpose of a string
x = [(s')', ' xyz ', 'a single quote in a string'', escape \', two quotes in a string'''''];  

s2 = "abc\"def""ghi";      % newer versions of MATLAB support double quoted strings
s3 = (["abc", "defg"]')';  % transpose a vectors of quoted string twice
s4 = "abc"!;               % transpose a quoted string

b = true' + false';        % boolean constants